A. Sandulli, E. Tatì and A. Nato (edited by), The Shape-Shifting Definition of the EU’s Financial Interest and its Protection in Contemporary Europe, in European Papers, 2024, vol. 9, no. 3, special issue:
- A. Sandulli, E. Tatì and A. Nato, Introduction to the Special Section: The Shape-Shifting Definition of the EU’s Financial Interest and its Protection in Contemporary Europe;
- A. Sandulli and A. Nato, EU Financial Interests Within the Financialisation Process of the European Legal Order;
- F. Bilancia, The Financial Interests of the EU: Implications on the European Rule of Law Idea;
- M. De Bellis, The NGEU and the Energy Crisis: The Shifting Boundaries of Conditionality;
- C. Fasone and M. Simoncini, Next Generation EU and Governance by Conditionality: A Transformation of the European Economic Constitution?;
- E. Birritteri and E. Tatì, Beyond the Assimilation Principle: Enhanced Protection of the EU’s Financial Interest vis-à-vis National Interests in Italy;
- M. Serowaniec, The Protection of EU Financial Interests in Poland: Administrative and Criminal Critical Issues.
- V. Bontempi, E. Kiel Formerly Rulands, A. Nato, M. Serowaniec, E. Tatì, The Protection of the European Financial Interest: From Concrete Practices to Theoretical Recommendations, in International Journal of Public Administration, online 2022, https://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01900692.2022.2122505, vol. 47, n. 6, 2024, 373-384
- Jacek Wantoch-Rekowski, Elisabetta Tatì, Controlling the spending of EU funds in Italian and Polish law against the background of EU regulations, in Białostockie Studia Prawnicze (Bialystok Legal Studies), n. 2, 2023, 115-134
- M. Bellacosa, M. De Bellis, The protection of the EU financial interests between administrative and criminal tools: OLAF and EPPO, in Common market law review, vol. 60, n. 1, 2023, 15-50
- V. Bontempi, A. Nato, The Protection of the EU’s Financial Interests and Pandemic Emergency Tools: an Analysis of the Control Mechanism between the EU and the Member States, in REVIEW OF EUROPEAN ADMINISTRATIVE LAW, vol. 15, n. 3, 2022, 7-28
- Emanuele Birritteri, Elisabetta Tatì, Cooperative Compliance Measures to Prevent Organised Crime Infiltrations and the Protection of EU’s Financial interests. A New Gold Standard in the Implementation of the Italian Recovery and Resilience Plan? in Diritto penale contemporaneo, n. 3, 2022, 2240-7618