Dr hab. Wojciech Morawski prof. UMK – head of Department of Public Financial Law at Faculty of Law and Administration Nicolaus Copernicus University (UMK), member of the State Examination Board of Tax Advisors; member of editorial boards: Przegląd Podatkowego (eng. Review of Taxation) (publisher: Wolters Kluwer Polska), Prawo Budżetowe Państwa i Samorządu (eng. Budget Law of the State and Self-government) (publisher: UMK) and Przegląd Orzecznictwa Podatkowego (Review of Tax Jurisprudence) (editor-in-chief), co-author of national reports for international conferences inter alia: Congress of European Association of Tax Law Professors w Santiago de Compostela (4-6 June 2009) Topic: Separation of Powers, IFA Congress 2020 (Cancun, Mexico), Subject 1: Reconstructing the Treaty Network (report submitted however the conference date changed due to COVID (with. K. Lasiński-Suelcki), IFA Congress 2021 (Berlin), Subject 1: Group approach and separate entity approach in domestic and international tax law (with dr hab. Adam Zalasński); former member of the Tax Advisory Council at the Minister of Finance (2014-2016), he cooperates with Czech universities (Charles University in Prague and Masaryk University in Brno), organises regular conferences on the jurisprudence of courts in tax matters
Prof Wojciech Morawski