Oscar Capdeferro Villagrasa, Associate Professor of Administrative Law at the University of Barcelona (UB), has a degree in Law (UB, 2009), a master’s degree in Legal Sciences (UPF, 2010) and a PhD in Law (UB, 2015), with International Distinction, and won the Extraordinary Doctorate Award for the 2014-2015 academic year (UB). He has carried out research periods at the Università di Bologna, at the Università degli Studi di Ferrara, at the Università di Roma LUMSA and at the University of Oxford. His scientific production has focused mainly on the study of public corruption, a subject in which his monograph “El derecho administrativo y la prevención de la corrupción urbanística” (Marcial Pons, 2016) stands out, winner of the 2015 Ferrer Eguizábal Legal Prize in Administrative Law. He has also been studying the effects that the use of artificial intelligence can have on improving public services, topic about which he has also written several book chapters and scientific articles. In these two areas, mainly, he has formulated regulatory improvement proposals and best practices in the functioning of the public service, through his publications, projects and dissertations at conferences.
Prof. Oscar Capdeferro