Cristina Fasone is an Assistant Professor of Comparative Public Law at the Department of Political Science LUISS “Guido Carli” and holder of Jean Monnet Module on “Parliamentary accountability and technical expertise: budgetary powers, information and communication technologies, and elections” at LUISS School of Government. She has been a Max Weber Fellow in Law 2013-2015, European University Institute, and Visiting Scholar at Georgetown University Law Center, Victoria University of Wellington, Uppsala University, Complutense University of Madrid, and University of Copenhagen. She authored a book on ‘Parliamentary Committee Systems and Forms of Government’ (Padova, Cedam 2012, pp. 694) and several publications in Italian and in English on parliaments in the European Union, on the effects of the financial crisis on national constitutional systems and on the European Union, and on the ‘dialogue’ among Courts and among legislators.
Prof Cristina Fasone