Full Professor of Criminal Law, Deputy Rector for bachelors’ degrees and single-cycle masters’ degrees programs and post-graduate programs and Dean of the Undergraduate School at Luiss University. At the same institution, he serves as Coordinator of the PhD in ‘Law and Business’ and Director of the postgraduate Masters in Business Criminal Law, in Compliance and Prevention of Corruption and in Cybersecurity. During the Monti government, he was first Legal Counselor of the Minister of Justice, Prof. Paola Severino, and then State Undersecretary for Justice. He is member of the board of directors of the journals Diritto penale contemporaneo – Rivista trimestrale, Diritto commerciale e delle obbligazioni and Rivista trimestrale di diritto penale dell’economia. He coordinated research units in projects of international (“Come individuare e contrastare operazioni coordinate di disinformazione in Italia”, MAECI 2021-23, with Harvard Kennedy School Misinformation Review and Michigan University; Hercule III “VIRTEU”, Coventry University, 2020-22) and national relevance (PI PRIN 2022 “Borderline”). He is member of the Scientific Committee of the AIDP and Secretary of the Italian Group. He authored 2 books and more than 100 scientific publications on criminal law topics.
Prof. Antonio Gullo