Rossella Sabia is Junior Assistant Professor in Criminal Law at Luiss University, where she obtained cum laude her PhD in ‘Law and Business’ and she was post-doctoral fellow for three years. She was Post-doctoral Global Fellow at NYU School of Law, fellow at the Cluster of Excellence ‘The Formation of Normative Orders’ (Frankfurt University) and visiting student at the Norwegian School of Economics (Oslo). She authored the monograph “Responsabilità da reato degli enti e paradigmi di validazione dei modelli organizzativi. Esperienze comparate e scenari di riforma” (Giappichelli, 2022) and publications on corporate criminal liability, environmental criminal law, criminal compliance and new technologies, business and human rights. She is member of the Editorial staff of Diritto penale contemporaneo – Rivista trimestrale, Rivista trimestrale di dirittopenale dell’economia and the series Jus Gentium Europaeum. She has participated in international (Horizon “BridgeGap”, 2023; Hercule III “Betkosol”, 2021-22 and “VIRTEU”, 2020-22) and national research projects (Prin 2022 “Borderline”; “Come individuare e contrastare operazionicoordinate di disinformazione”, MAECI 2021-23, with Harvard Kennedy School Misinformation Review and Michigan University). She has been awarded the Italian national habilitation as associate professor (IUS/17).
Dr Rossella Sabia